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# Vim

No matter how much I try to get comfortable with some other editor or IDE, I find myself reverting back to Vim, actually Neovim, for coding and text editing.

(Neo)Vim is a text editor that can run on your terminal which allows you to program its behaviour to suit your text editing needs.

As you might have heard, Vim is hard. But if you spend significant part of your daily life typing code on a keyboard, you will appreciate Vim just for existing.

Once you start using and customizing (neo)vim and get used to the conveniences, you will find it more and more difficult switching to a non-vim workflow. Thus, after a few months, you will end up with a huge vim configuration file in your dotfiles repository.

# Alternatives

The closest alternative to (Neo)Vim is Emacs, which is also widely popular, but I find it a little clumsy in comparison.

# Resources

# Vimcasts

# Awesome Lists

# Learn

# Vim Adventures (game)

# The Vim guys

# Advanced Vim Workflows

# Vim as an IDE

# Plugins

Also See:

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